• one day, while working on a project in the studio, iwan&han got into an argument. iwan had a very specific vision for his piece, and he was struggling to get han to understand what he wanted. han, on the other hand, was frustrated because he felt like iwan wasn’t giving him enough creative freedom.

      the argument escalated quickly, and before they knew it, they were both shouting at each other. they were so focused on their own perspectives that they weren’t able to see things from the other’s point of view.

      as they continued to argue, they didn’t notice that the other students in the studio had stopped what they were doing to watch. they were embarrassed and humiliated that they had lost control of their emotions in front of their peers.

      after a few tense minutes, one of their instructors stepped in and mediated the situation. she helped them to see that they were both coming from a place of passion and that they needed to find a way to work together.

      eventually, iwan&han were able to come to a compromise and finish their project. they learned that they needed to communicate better and be more open to each other’s ideas in order to work effectively as a team. it was a valuable lesson that they carried with them throughout their time at art school.